Saturday 13 April 2013

Semi finals day!

After a late night we had a relatively early morning, rehearsing from 9-11 near the U of D arena.  It was a very slick operation and the team pulled in, quickly unloaded, set up and started stretching.  There were 3-4 areas of the show we wanted to look at as well as get everyone "in the zone" in preparation for a very important performance that would see us in or out of finals.

After rehearsal we had some free time so went to Steak & Shake for rather dodgy burgers and slightly better shakes!

We headed over to the arena mid afternoon and prep went smoothly as we start to get familiar with the process.  Rob went to check with the T&P judge about using the entry music while Krissie and Barry prepared the guard.

So the guard entered the floor and the entry music really got the crowd involved. Today the guard felt very calm and it really  showed in their performance and they had the best run of the year. Normally most guards have their best run in their rehearsal so it was fantastic for them to have the run of their lives in semi finals. After each performance we always ask the guard who had their best run, today almost every member raised their hand.
After the performance the guard got to watch the rest of World semis.  I have to say that Pride and Onyx were both outstanding so who knows who will win!

After the completion of the contest we headed back to the hotel to await scores. For the 3rd time Mayflower made the top 15 independent World Class finals, tying Zydecco for10th. When we checked in Barry picked a number to break a tie.  Fortunately (for us) he picked an 8 - the lower the number the better, so that means this evening we follow Zydecco. Whilst it would be nice to stay in 10th, we are just happy to be back at the "big party" and in finals. 

Needless to say, everyone is in good spirits and looking forward to finals days.

The guard went out to a Mexican restaurant for supper and then some of the guard headed back to the arena to watch A finals others went back to the hotel and some parents and staff headed to a bar.

Tomorrow is finals day. A relaxed morning. 2 hour rehearsal with all the staff and a performance time of 9pm (2am UK time).

More tomorrow.....

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